hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andthe iPhone 11 has been out just a little bit over six months and has been with methis entire time I carry it alongside my iPhone 11 Pro max and I did a
durabilityfollow-up and sits a month later video on this not too long ago and many of youasked me to do one on the iPhone 11 and so this phone is with me all the timeand this one is kept in a case regularly so I use the Apple silicon case and thisis what it's normally kept in but it does not have a screen protector on itand this phone is basically a follow up to the iPhone 10 are while you can stillbuy the iPhone 10 are this is only about 50 dollars more or so based on where youget it and maybe even less than the iPhone 10 are depending on if you get asale of buy one get one free or anything like that through your carrier now Iwanted to talk about the durability of it how its held up as far as scratchesreception software issues the controversial display battery lifecamera and more and if you want to jump to any specific point of the video I'lllink those in the description below now the first thing is overall durabilitynow like I said this has been kept in a case
regularly and has held up reallywell the phone does have some scratches on the display I'll talk about in just amoment but the phone being made of aluminum even though that's softer thanstainless steel makes it feel a little bit lighter and in general has held upwell being in a case it has zero dings on it whatsoever even though the bottomof the case exposes the bottom of the iPhone there's no dings or dents oranything like that I've never dropped it and I don't generally drop phones myhands are big enough that they just stay putso I don't really have that issue now as far as the back being glass it's held upwell it doesn't have any scratches on it that are visible the front display doeshave a few scratches on it if I turn the lights up
here like I did on the 11proMaxx video you may be able to see a few of them along with some of my fingerprints but there might be a few light scratches on it not really a whole lotit's held up incredibly well and I've not really had any issues with it nowthat being said the lip on the case has helped prevent scratches when setting itdown on surfaces but this is only set on things like tables or a soft clothsurface it's not really anything that's a problem so in general it holds up wellyou can expect it to hold up better obviously if you have a screenprotector for example now aside from scratches and things it's design is onethat I think is right for most people it's in between the size of the 11proand the 11pro max so if you need that in between size of a 6.1 inch display it'sa really good size for most people and the price obviously makes it a littlebit more reasonable for most people now when it comes to the iPhone 11s displaythat's where the most controversy arrives because this is a fairlyexpensive phone that does not have an OLED display and a super-high
resolutionbut it's arguable that this display looks just as good as the OLED displayswith the exception of maybe super bright lights or super bright colors and verydark blacks that's going to be the difference between these displays otherthan that there's another advantage to the iPhone 11 LCD display and that hasto do with PWM or pulse width modulation and what I mean by that is the iPhone 11uses an LCD panel so it doesn't control its brightness by pulsing the screen onand off so many people about 1 in 10 are affected by this and it can give themheadaches and things like that but you don't get that with the iPhone 11because it's an LCD display so when you adjust brightness it's not flickeringyou can't see the flicker but it's actually flickering on an iPhone 11 Proand Promax so OLED displays control
brightness differently and they canreally give you headaches so if you have an iPhone 10 and iPhone 10 s 10 s max 11or 11 Pro max that could be giving you headaches these phones won't be givingyou headaches because they don't work the same way the other thing is iPhone11 s LCD or liquid Retina display is the same sort of display technology that'sused on Apple as a pro display XDR and Apple could have gone with an OLEDdisplay but the reason they didn't is LCDs especially as they get larger tendto be much more color accurate and have less color shift over time than OLEDdisplays and so that's why you don't see those in larger displays from Apple sothere's much more saturation sometimes with an OLED but with an LCD that likeyou've got on the iPhone 11 you tend to have more accurate colors and there justseemed to last a little bit longer over time with less color shift now for aphone that may not be as of a deal but it's something that Ithink is less of a big deal than people make of it you can't see the pixels andif you look at the iPhone 11 Pro Macs and the iPhone 11 side-by-side if Icould hide the phones and not tell you what they were chances are you wouldn'tbe able to differentiate between the two other than maybe the very vibrant areasor the dark blacks otherwise most people wouldn't be able to tell the differenceeven though they think they can I would almost guarantee
they can't and I'vetested this among many many people to prove that point now as far as peoplesaying you can't even watch 1080p videos on YouTube well that's just not accurateat all the one thing you can't do is watch an HDR like you can on an OLEDdisplay you don't have the option for it but you do have the option for 1080p butyou don't want to watch in 720p because that's not accurate either so what it'sdoing is scaling that display down and you're still going to get 1080p noproblem it will look fine and most people will really appreciate the screenin the quality of it and going along with the screen is the speakers thespeakers are basically the same as the 11 Pro and Pro max if I play it here andturn it up they sound nice and clear they'revibrant at high volumes they go really loud and they do a great job of givingyou a nice stereo sound you've got a speaker at the top one at the bottom andthey sound fantastic so there's no complaints in the speaker Departmentyou've got basically the same speakers it's the higher end phones so no issuesthere now as far as software with the iPhone 11 when it launched the softwarewas not ready in fact it had many issues until recently some people still have afew bugs here and there and iOS 13 in general has not been up to the qualityof iOS 12 and it seems like Apple does this every other year lately and sorecently iOS 13 has finally gotten to the point where I would say it's fairlystable most of the time as
stable as any other phone the problem is is for sixmonths you had to endure issues with everything from crashes to something assimple as 3d pressing or haptic pressing on the display and going to bluetoothhaving that crash now it seems to be much better now other than the softwarebugs I mentioned the phone in general is just super fast you'll have no problemsas far as scrolling everything's nice and smooth and no it doesn't have ahundred and twenty Hertz screen maybe that'll come next year or later thisyear but in general it's just nice and smooth and fast all the time you haveenough RAM to do what you need it's got four gigabytes of RAMyou've got apples a 13 processor and everything's just nice and fastunlike Android phones where they've got 12 and 16 gigs of RAM more RAM might benice but you really won't notice it here apps don't tend to reload that much oranything like that like I said scrolling is fast if youwant to use it for games you'll have no issue in fact you'll have no issue withgames on older phones either just everything in general seems to be niceand fast editing video on this phone is nice and fast so if I go into iMovie andgo into this movie and we go to edit we can edit through a video no problem thisis a 4k 60 video and it's flying through it without any hiccups you can edit itexport it and it looks as good as anything else out there so I'm reallyimpressed with this processor and maybe Apple add more RAM in the future but itdoesn't seem needed it seems plenty fast in general reception on this phone tendsto be really really good in fact in many casesI find it to be better than the iPhone 11 Pro and Promax I've had less issueswith phone calls and I've had good connection in general the bars on thesignal strength
aren't really a good way to measure this because those can varybased on settings that Apple presets within their settings to say 1 barequals this range of decimals and they can change that from software tosoftware so without seeing the actual numbers I can't tell you the truereception of it compared to an 11 Pro but just people in general tend to saythat it has better reception or in general just as good if not better Wi-Fispeeds supposedly are a little bit less but I really see no differencewhatsoever and keep in mind if you're streaming a 4k video you only need 15megabits per second so as long as you've got that you should be fine but ingeneral you'll have no problems with Wi-Fi except for maybe through an updatethat messes something up so hopefully Apple fixes that with iOS 14 and thiswill get updates for the next five years or so or four and a half years or so atminimum so that's why this is a pretty decent phone for its price you've gotall these different things such as
reception in long term software updatesand that leads me to battery life most people get really good battery life onthis phone and I've only recently put my sim card back in this phone and you cansee it's been on for a few days now battery health on my iPhone 11 pro maxwent down to 99 percent just after 6 months this one has not been used asmuch as that phone so it's still at 100% and that's charging it every night andleaving it on the charger and a wireless charger and charging it when I'm drivingso that's how it's usually used you'll see that over the last four days it hasnot had a huge amount of usage however I reached out to a bunch of people thatfollow this channel and follow me on Twitter and things like that to see whatkind of battery life they were getting to because there are a lot of peoplethat will experience a different battery life depending on how they use it andI've seen as bad as 3 to 4 hours and as much as 10 hours plus so depending onwhat you're doing you can expect really decent batterylife with this phone in general the only one you're going to get much better withis the 11pro max because the battery is much larger so the battery sizes varybetween these phones on enough that the 11pro max will get morebut this is still a very decent option for battery life and of course you couldadd a battery case or you could just charge it whenever you need to fastcharge but it does not include a fast charger but you can use one with it ifyou want to pick one up separately so if you have one of the new iPad you coulduse that charger for example now the camera is great you've only got twolenses on this one and so after using it for six months on and off I use this asa video camera just like I did with the ten are a lot I use this as a
videocamera most of the time you're going to get the same photo quality that you doout of the 11pro and Promax just minus the telephoto lens so you've got thewide and ultra wide but the video quality is fantastic you've got 4k 60you've got 4k 60 there you can change it right here on the newest phones so 4k 60quality it records great and in fact you won't notice the difference between merecording this video with a Panasonic gh2 the time verse one of these exceptfor in different situations where it's a little bit darker otherwise most peoplecan't even tell the difference in fact let me just switch over to the videohere and now we're fully recording with the iPhone 11 so the video quality isquite good you'll see that it looks similar as far as colors the quality isgood the resolution looks great the detail is great and I wouldn't say it'sa cinema camera but there's enough quality in this camera that most peoplewouldn't even be able to tell the difference so it's definitely worthpicking up and I would say the video camera is the best on the market alongwith the 11pro and Promax compared to any other phone photos it's verysubjective but video quality is top-notchnow the forward facing camera is great and it's the same 12 megapixel camerathat you get on the 11pro and Promax it's got the depth sensor from the faceID sensor as well and if we scroll over here you can use the clips app to dothese sort of comic overlays or whatever you'd like black and white or atomicmono and it's got face tracking for an emoji all sorts of things and it's goodenough that you can record in 4k and you can record in 4k 60 as well so if I spinthe camera around here go to video you've got 4k 30 now we've got 4k 60 soit does a great job and if you want to use it for just selfies or maybe
youvlog with it it's going to do a great job as long as you have goodlight now what is not as good as the rear-facing camera but it's definitelythe best forward-facing camera and an iPhone and its really good enough thatmost people won't even notice the difference unless you're used to acinema camera or something like that so what I still recommend 1 after 6 monthsof use and having only about 6 months left to pick up the next version ofiPhone whenever that is absolutely I would pick one of these up in fact thisis the number one recommendation I give to people as far as looking for iPhoneso if they're looking for an iPhone and they don't care about the latest andgreatest most expensive iPhone in largest screen out there this is the oneI recommend most because it's durable it's proven it's it's timeit's got ip68 certification and everything else I've already mentionedabout
it so yes I definitely pick one of these up still it's super fast it has agreat camera great speakers and most people will be very happy with itso let me know your thoughts about it though in the comments below if you'dlike to get your hands on this wallpaper I'll link it in the description as Ialways do and if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe and if youenjoyed the video please give it a like as always thanks for watching this isAaron I'll see you next time
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