Hi everyone Aaron here for techojune andtoday apple released ios 14 developer beta 4.this is out to all developers on ios 14 supported devices and came in at 624.6megabytes on my iphone 11 pro max it was similarly sized on my iphone semy iphone 7 and my 2020 ipad pro 12.9 they ranged anywhere from 400 to
600megabytes now if you're looking for the publicbeta usually that will come out either later today by the time you're watchingthis video or the following day now alongside ios14 beta 4 apple also released ipad os14 beta 4 watch os 7 beta 4 tv os 14 beta 4 and still no public betaversions of watch os or mac os big sur and there's still nobeta 4 of that so maybe by the time you're watching thisvideo there will be but as of this time there's notlet's take a look at the build number and then talk about what's new you cansee the build number is 18a 5342e and we're getting closer andcloser to finalizing what will be in this beta and gettingeverything as far as all the bugs fixed so in this particular update thereis a small modem update for the 11 pro max and other deviceson the iphone 11 pro max it's updated to 1.50.23and then also with this particular update apple is fixing a lot ofissues and resolving them and there still remains known issues sothere's 39 known issues that still remain and there's 24 resolved issuesand those things include quick action menus over widgets for
example so ifyou're pressing and holding and you're using haptic touch or 3dtouch the quick actions will work properly alsothe weather widget should be updating to real time now so it should matchwhatever the temperature is although it didn't there but apple has saidthey've fixed that picture and picture face time should work properly nowand also trying to install updates should work properly nowsome people are having issues installing from ios 14 beta 3updating to beta 4 so you may need a computer if you're having that issuenow one of the issues they've resolved is 3d touch so if you're using 3d touchon your device and we're kind of upset that they removed it lasttime well it's back and works as expectedso you'll see that we have let's go over to 3d touch hereso you'll see 3d touch is on it works properly you can use it all over the osand it works much better than haptic touch now as far asother
features that are updated well there's not a ton of new things butthere are a few so if we go into settings for exampleand we go back to our main settings page scroll downwe now have exposure notifications now this is off by default in fact there'sno way to turn it on if you go into the notenotification settings so it says exposure notifications are off if youturn them on your public health authority can notify you of possibleexposure and you'll only be able to turn them onif you've installed an app that can use it otherwiseotherwise there's no way to turn it on now this is a little bit different thanwhat we had with beta 3. in beta 3 it's actually under privacy sothere is no separate setting but instead you would go to your location servicesdown to system and then now you have exposure notificationsapple's made its own separate menu so hopefullythat clarifies it for a few people it's off by defaultnot on by default like it was before and it should work
properly if you're usingan app otherwise it's off by default there's noway to turn it on now there is a new widget in thisparticular update and so if we scroll up right here you'll see we have a newapple tv widget so if i press and hold we'll wait for it here add and thenscroll down you'll see we have a new tv widget inall three sizes so if you want to use that you can andit's a new widget that's here so it's nice that they keep addingall of these widgets now in addition to the apple tv widget they've also made achange to the shortcuts widget so if we
press and holdwe'll add a widget if we scroll down to our shortcuts you'll see that we nowhave a single size shortcut widget so we'll select this onelet's move it over to this screen here and you'll see that it's blank if we setit on this screen if we press and hold on this widget wecan edit the widget and select a singular shortcut to haveit run so here i'll select battery manager andi've shared some of these shortcuts beforeyou'll see now it sticks if i tap on this widget it will run the batterymanager activate deactivate fast charger ultralow power and so you can set any widget you'd like herein the previous version you could not do thatso you'll see that if i scroll to this page you only had the option for thissize and you could not edit the widget so you couldn't set what you wantedspecifically for one
singular widget so they've updated thatnow as far as search they've actually improved this from beta 3. so if we goahead and pull down using spotlight searchand type apple compared to the results we got with beta 3they're much better so you'll see it gives us apps at the topthen some of our contacts and as we scroll down you've got different filesthat contain that and all sorts of other information so everything from applenews on beta 3 we didn't have any of these wehave full search throughout apps our contactsand everything else so it's pretty nice that they've put thatin there and made search a lot better now also on beta 3 when you deleted anapp it was slightly different so for example if i go into youtube herepress and hold to delete the app and then tap on removeapp you'll see that
they've changed it from remove from home screento move to app library it seems like they keepchanging this over and over but they've been updating it and that's what we havenow so move to app library if you hit deleteyou can uninstall or remove the app and so they've made that small changefrom beta 3. now on the ipad there's a slight changeas well with the widgets i noticed there's more of a bugso all of the same updates apply to ipad osbut there's more of a bug on here if i go to add a widget so let's press andhold on a widget and you'll notice that i have theweather widget back as well so that's back on the ipad but one thing inoticed is a problem if i add a widget then maybe i want to say add the newapple tv widget and maybe i want to add let's say thissize will hit add widget and it's working properly now now ninetimes out of ten when i would add a widget it would actually add it in thesize smaller than what it's showing so i would go to add this size and itwould give me a one size widget if i added the larger one it would give methis size so if you're experiencing that bug besure to report it in feedback but
thankfully we have this weatherwidget back and i'm glad to see that on the screen now soit's good to have that back on the ipad if you're missing that and with thatthose are the only changes in ios 14 beta 4 or any of the major changesanyway i looked all throughout i couldn't find anything else that wasobvious but those were the major changes andthis particular update does feel like it's performing well butbefore i talk about that let's take a look at battery lifebecause battery life on ios 14 beta 3 was pretty terrible for me so if i go tobattery you'll see my battery health is at 96percent which is normal after this amount of timeand if we go to the last 10 days let's take a look at yesterdayi only had 3 hours and 53 minutes of screen on time4 hours and 53 minutes of screen ah screen off timeand you'll see that i used about 75 percent of my battery that'spretty terrible battery life normally i was getting 10 to 12 hours with ios 13.6so i would expect that sort of battery life hopefully to get a little bitbetter with this beta but apple doesn't focus on battery lifethis early on usually you'll see the day before maybe i
wouldhave gotten eight to ten hours of screen on time based off what i had but it'salways hard to say with this particular updatei did notice the phone was quite warm when i first started it back up but thenit now feels cool and it seems like it'sperforming very nice the scrolling and everythingis nice and fast when i go into settings for exampleyou'll see everything smooth here going into different apps i always usemusic as an example but you'll see everything's loading quicklyand performance on older devices seems to be pretty good as wellso on the iphone se for example i did play around with this just a little bitand we'll wait for music to load here it's the first time i've opened music soi could show you in real time and you'll see it's a little bitstuttery on the older hardware but it should be pretty good for themost part i did go into minecraft you'll see it will reload herewe'll wait for it just a moment and we'll resumeand you'll see we're back in and this gives us an idea of what frame rates canbe expected so i'm sort of stuck in a forest here solet's see if we can get out of here there we goi'm out of the forest so now i'm out and this gives you an idea of frame rate soit does seem to be pretty smooth overall for an older device so i wouldn't
expectthis to affect performance negatively in any wayand also there's the translate app and everythingelse so everything should be working as you expectnow let's take a look at the geekbench scores i did run them on all of thesedevices using geekbench 5. i actually ran it a couple times on theiphone 11 pro max because it was warm at first like i said and then it cooleddown so i scored 1333 for single core3394 for multi-core that's pretty good compared to the history so we'll take alook you'll see the two that i ran today asopposed to the last couple versions so yes it's a little bit slower
withmulti or single core but a little bit faster with multi-coreso i wouldn't expect any performance differences but hopefully we do see somebetter battery life now i'll show you all these differentdevices so you have an idea what yours should be performing at if you'rechecking out benchmarks as well from left to right i have the 2020 ipad pro12.9 then i have the iphone se the original iphone sethen the iphone 7 followed by the iphone 11 pro max so if your scores areanywhere around these numbers expect performanceto be the same now apple also released a new imactoday it's not a redesign but it has a big spec bump and can go prettyexpensive over eight thousand dollars if you load it out but it has some prettyimpressive specs and it may replace the imac pro now alsoios 13.6.1 i thought would be out by this pointalready but maybe we won't see it until later this week or maybe even next weekusually
apple pushes one of those new updates to the publicto sort of fix bugs whether that be for security issues or features butnormally i would expect that out by now so any dayit's hard to say what apple's doing but hopefully we'll see that pretty soonif you found any other features i'd love to hear from you in the comments belowand maybe i'll do a follow-up video if there's a bunch of other onesand of course give you a shout out if you showed me that featurenow as far as this wallpaper of
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