hi everyone aaron here for techno june andandroid 11 beta 3 was released yesterday to developersand beta testers and this is the final version or the final beta or the releasecandidate that should be basically finalizedso that it would be the same as what comes out to the public ina few weeks to a month or so according to google now this particular versionwas fairly large and you'll see here it was the first time i installed it onthis device but it was 1.73 gigabytes and it's available for the pixel 2 pixel2 xl 3 3 xl 3a 3axlpixel 4 and 4xl that i have here now technically it should work on the pixel4a as well that i have here and some samsung devices but if you havea different manufacturer other than a google phonesamsung oppo oneplus those companies they have to push out those particularupdates so they should have them but it's up tothem to push those out so hopefully you see those already or see those soonnow the build number on this particular update you can see is
rpb3.200720.005and the first change is they've changed sort of how they show the build numberin the notification drawer here so at the top you'll see it's cut off a littlebit and then we have a divider line with ourmedia player at the top and this is one of the first changeswith beta 3. so we have our media player herein our quick settings and we can stack thisup to five of them so we can swipe between youtube as you can see here ormusic or whatever else you have that's allowedto play media on the phone and you should see it here you can alsoswipe away media alerts now and then there's another setting in hereas well so if we swipe this over tap on the little setting icon you'llsee that we have a new update or a new option that sayshide player when the media session has endedthe player allows you to resume a session from the expanded quicksettings panel so you can turn this on if you want turn it off whatever youlike but that's a new option that's showingup now the power menu has been changed again now they've changedthis a few times throughout the beta so if we press and
hold poweryou'll see at the top we have emergency power and bug report for the betasand then i have quick access to my my home cameras and things like that whichis nice but if we press on power you'll see wehave a square menu of or two squares that make a rectangleof power off and restart so we've got these in sort of a square nowand then if we tap off of this it may not be arranged the same way for you ifyou're running beta 3. depending on if you have this homesection there it may or may not be there soyou may have power to the right just depending on what you have on yourdisplay now with this version android hasfinally added their easter egg so let's take a look atthat we'll go into our settings here and you can see i had pixel
budspreviously connected some of these are changing around a lot but it's showingyou what you previously had what you're connected tobut let's go down to our easter egg here so if we go to about phonethen we scroll down tap on android 11 thenat the top tap on android version 11 keep tapping and now we have our easteregg and it's a dial that we can turn up to 11. so we cankeep turning it won't let me here we can turn it back and forth and thenyou turn it back and you've got an 11. so you can literally turn it up to 11which is kind of clever and then you saw a little cat down hereat the bottom and there's another easter egg as well so if we go back homepress and hold the power button and we've got different options herewe now can have cats so if we go to add a controlwe can add a control or edit a control tap onsee other apps under see other apps we've got cat controls so if we tap oncat controls let's have a water bubbler and a foodbowl that's good enough we'll hit save and now if we tap on home we've got catcontrols so we can swipe up for the water bubblerand we can tap to refill the water bowl or thethe food bowl rather and then if we go home sometimes the cats will haveconversations and show up in your notifications soit's
pretty interesting to have that little easter egg in there but the catsare back so that's something that's new now ifyou like emoji those have been updated for unicode aswell so if you go into your messenger whatever you're usingand you go to your emoji you should now haveover 100 new emoji in here so there's over 100 new emoji and different skintypes and skin colors so there are a ton of new onesthroughout here of course if you use a lot of those you'll appreciate that butthey continually update them to comply with unicode standardsand they've added a bunch of them to do that now there's two more changes inthis particular update so again if we go to settings andthen we go to our developer
options so we'll go to system go to advanced goto developer developer options if you have thatturned on and then we're going to scroll way downuntil we see smooth display now you can search for this it makes it a lot easierso i'll just do that smooth display and as you can seethere's smooth display this forces the display on the pixel 4 and 4xlinto 90 hertz of course this is going to reduce the actual battery overallbecause it won't be variable but you have the option to force the displayonto 90 hertz again so it's nice that that's back and thenfinally you may have already seen it in mysearch here there are now exposure notificationsnow the nice thing is it says to turn on the exposure notificationsinstall a participating app it's off by default and there's no way to turn it onunless you have an app that wants to actually use it so not only do you haveto install the app you have to verify that appallow the app and then turn this on to allow this as wellso it's sort of a double layer of protection in turning that on so you'llhave that option in the future if you have exposure notifications andapps that comply with this sort of api built inand that's everything new as compared to beta 2 and beta 1.there are a bunch of other
changes as well which i'll cover when it finallycomes out if there's a lot of different changesbut overall i've been using this for a day and it seems fairly smootheverything's been nice and fast it's been very stable at least over the dayor so apps are opening quickly everything fromthe camera you can snap a picture quicklyeverything seems to respond very quickly and i haven't had anyissues as far as that goes so i've been using it for youtubeas well as social media and it just seems to work fast andlike you would expect now i would expect a feature drop as well next monthhopefully with this version as well i'm not sure if it will be in addition tothis but supposedly there will be a feature drop in septemberas far as overall battery i wouldn't expect any increases at this pointwith this particular device i think it's as good as it's going to getbut in general it's been lasting me a couple days as i've been using it as mysecondary device but overall it seems to be doing prettywell you'll see this says three days leftso i i tend to put it on the pixel stand at night sothat seems to keep it topped off and i haven't had any issues but in generalit performs
very well and i think it'll be a good update it won't be a huge gamechanging update compared to android 10 but android 11 is a niceupdate and if you want to try the beta i don't see a reason not to as long asyou don't mind having to wipe the phone later onnow if you've found anything else that i haven't mentioned please let me know inthe comments below i'd love to hear from
youand if you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper of course i'll link it inthe description like i normally do if you haven't subscribed already thoughplease subscribe and if you enjoyed the video please give it a likeas always thanks for watching this is Aaron i'll see you next time you
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